
"E" = Encourager - 3.30.11 0830

"Lord, make me and Encourager, that I may support your people"

What does it take to be the kind of person who's words bring life rather than death?

What does it take to be the kind of person who's words embolden their listeners rather than weaken them?

Barnabas. Son of Encouragement.

Imagine so encapsulating a positive quality that people actually change your name to match it. I'm not sure if this is what happened to Barnabas but it's not a stretch to consider it.

A few years ago I spoke to some college kids about who they wanted to be. I told them that who they are in 30 years will be determined by the decisions they make between now and then. Then I suggested that if there is a certain way they want to be looked at, or a certain quality they wanted to exhibit, that they had to determine that now and start working towards it.

Encourager has always been one of mine.

Since the day I realized that you have control over your qualities, I've wanted "encourager" to be associated with me. I've wanted to be the kind of vessel for God to use whose words would support, uplift & strengthen his people through tough times.

I want to remind people that there is hope.

That's what it means to be an Encourager. You support and strengthen people with the hope that Christ brings, that God offers. If you can get someone to the point where they know not all is lost by reminding them who else is on their side, you've accomplished something great.

The tough part is reminding yourself of the same.

No one can do it alone. If I'm going to be a Barnabas to others, I have to have Barnabas's in my own life. If I'm going to encourage others, I have to pray for God to keep me encouraged.

And so God, I ask that you make me a pillar of encouragement, so that I might help support the Body of Christ.

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