
Morning Mantra

Lord, make me...

          a Servant, that I may know your people

          a Teacher, that I may lead your people

        an Example, that I may inspire your people

          a Learner, that I may be humbled by your people

        an Encourager, that I may support your people

STELE, that I may be made wise by you.

I wrote this based on a concept Henri Nouwen talked about in his book Here and Now: Living in the Spirit. He mentioned it as a way to keep focused, just repeating a word or sentence or simple prayer. He says:

"...any word that reminds us of God's love and put it in the center of our inner room, like a candle in a dark place...so long as we keep the candle in our dark room burning, we can return to that light and see clearly the presence of the one who offers us what we most desire."

In the mornings that I remember to repeat this to God and myself, it helps me to stay focused on the priorities I have for the day and the ultimate, underlining motivations I should have for my actions. I have found this to be very helpful, and i hope it inspires you to do something similar.

Proverbs 3:13-26

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