There really is so much tied into the word "faith" that I'm not sure where to begin. Something about it that I think is important to distinguish though is that, in the bible, faith is distinct and separate from works. It is not an action. It may be an "action word" in how we define things like verbs and what-have-you, but it is not in and of itself an action. What the bible does say about faith, however, is that it causes action. It prompts action. It drives action. And what you put your faith in (money, self, God) will motivate certain types of action. I think this is why in one epistle it can be said that salvation is not attained by works but by faith while in another epistle faith in God can be described as dead without works.
Salvation can be attained by faith in God, and certain works are evidence of the type of faith you have. Baptism (a work) doesn't bring you salvation in and of itself, but it is an action motivated by your faith in God, which does bring you salvation. For me, this answers the question, "what if you're on your way to being baptized and you die in a car accident?" You're still saved! You were taking an action motivated by your saving-faith in God. The faith saved you, not the baptism. But someone who says they have faith in God but keeps pushing baptism off might not be, to my understanding, saved. For whatever reason, they are resisting the full commitment to being a part of God's people, and the way a bible describes the "lukewarm" is not exactly positive.
Your faith in God is made evident by your fruits, your actions, your works. But that doesn't make faith and action the same, anymore than a red ball can be used as evidence that "red" and "ball" are the same. One describes the other. One tells the type of the other. "Ball" gives shape to the "red," just as your "works" will give shape to the type of "faith" that you have.
I think that, because of this, what someone puts their faith in (again: money, self, God, etc.) is the most important thing about a person, because it will determine your life and it's outcome. And of all the things you can put your faith in, there is only one that not only gives you eternal life, but also makes your life on earth worth living. God brings something that self, money or material things simply can't provide.
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