Salvation is such a hard thing to wrap my head around, and I think it is for a lot of people. I think if it was really understood what kind of salvation Christ brought & God gave, we would all act a little more like we were intended to. We accept the concept that we are saved by grace not by works, but we live like we are still held accountable to our sins. "There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus." Saints are not judged, we are rewarded! From the moment of accepting Christ we begin building treasures in heaven, but there's nothing I've come across yet that says God also takes away treasures in heaven as you do bad things. What it talks about instead is wasting the moments given to you. You've been entrusted with talents and he expects you to be good stewards. I might be mixing metaphors though, because the guy who did nothing with his talents was definitely condemned. But when you compare the rest of the New Testament with that image, it almost makes sense, because salvation and being saved is supposed to prompt a certain action and way of living. If it hasn't, then are you saved? And if you're not saved, then it wasn't your actions that denied your salvation (because then salvation would be about works), but it was that you probably never accepted it in your heart in the first place. John's epistles and Hebrews, at least, talk about something to that effect.
That's what I mean about if you really understood what the salvation that is offered was all about, you'd live differently! Not one who is afraid of losing it with every mistake, stray thought, of victory of the "flesh," and not one who is being held back by burdens of "not being good enough" or guilt baggage. You are accepted! You're in heaven! You're in a relationship with God! Get over yourself and just keep moving forward, keep looking for the next positive impact you can make and don't lose momentum on the mess-ups you're making along the way. Because if you do that, your mess-ups will get fewer, your barriers smaller, and your perspective more Godly.
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